some video of george bush giving a speech came on the german news today (not the picture above, just a normal speech at a podium), and my first reaction - without thinking anything or hearing a word he was saying (there was an overdub translation) - was to laugh out loud.
usually, at home, I would see him on TV or hear him on the radio and laugh because of the content. don't even need that anymore - he just seems so ridiculous from this vantage point that a mere image of him is cause for total disbelief and vocalized chuckling.
the primary elections are getting lots of news coverage over here. people are interested. you get the sense they see this as america's chance to not screw up, to maybe redeem itself a little. they see positive change potential in either democratic candidate, and maybe a little even in mccain. (so, now that romney's out, that only leaves Hucka-are-you-kidding-me in the, "well, we guess america is a lost cause" category.)
last time I lived abroad (the first half of 2001), america was not particularly well liked, but it was respected and seen as *the* dominant world power. now, it's greatly disliked and largely disregarded, except as one might be wary of a half-drunk meathead jock who shows up - uninvited and unwelcome - at a relaxed party.
sure, as long as america has the bulk of the money, it will have a large portion of the power - but hey, I just read that some stores in New York are now accepting payment in Euro.
1 commentaire:
Strange pic for the article. Got my attention there.
The elections seems to big news in lots of countries.
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