mardi 18 décembre 2007


so ... cairo. where to begin? ... the cows roaming the dirt streets downtown? the "do not flush toilet paper in the toilet" sign (and the accompanying "poop paper basket") in our bathroom? tomorrow's impending "sheep slaughter in the streets" holiday? (we're totally serious on that one.) the headless cow carcass being butchered in the middle of the mud road on our way through a small village on the route to some (not-Great, just these other ones they will gladly tell you are "so very nice and beautiful and you will like...") pyramids? or the french-owned, half-egyptian-run hotel/hostel we're staying in that is so up in your business at all times that you think they may come into the room (while you're there ... say, like, sleeping) and ask if "you are enjoying the nice and beautiful rooms of this wonderful hotel place?" (last night, we asked for a roll of toilet paper around 11 pm. this single, simple request was fulfilled with the assistance of no less than three hotel employees - and required that they come into our room to deliver it. but it's not really in a "wow, this is amazing customer service" sort of way, it's about 1000 times creepier and more annoying. like, don't you guys have anything to do?) but the place is ok, we just have now completely confirmed that we don't like hotels. we like renting apartments/flats and BEING LEFT THE HELL ALONE. yes, oh yes, the ameri/euro way. it's so touristy here it's nuts - everywhere you go there are tourist touts.

still, cairo is fun and interesting, and we look forward to heading down to Luxor for a few days (staring with a 13 hour train ride on Friday), but we're looking forward to getting back to berlin after this weirdness. a lovely christmas present.

ps - we really are excited about sheep slaughter day. it should be memorable! ahh ... one for the old scrapbook.
-a & k

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