we're in berlin now. it's a little ... ah ... weird ...
after paris, it's certainly a bit of culture shock. it's a bit too much like detroit for our current tastes. well, detroit with even more gutter punks and hippies and all that. it's like the kids at the trumbullplex and bohemian banded together and invaded an entire city. well, at least near where we're staying it's like that. I hate to sound like an ass, but we're pretty much over all that, you know? A life spent in Detroit will do that to you, I guess.
But we're having fun here still. Yesterday we had some amazing potato&grape soup and crazy apple sorta-mac&cheese. we'll get you the real names in the next post. and the architecture here is cool. today's return trip to mitte cool shopping & and the historic sites should bring good things. some quick pictures for now ...
ann had a bratwurst at a street stand near a flea market. it was really good, actually. I think it had coriander? in it.
me eating some salad.
last night, I made us go to a little bar near our apartment that shows american football. (ann was very nice about coming along - a good sport! ha, get it? grandpa here ...) they had soccer ... err ... football goals in the urinals. I appreciated this.
I had to improvise a shower for us. thankfully, the girl who usually lives here is a musician, so I borrowed one of her mic stands. it works surprisingly well.
yeah ... this coffin store occupies some prime storefront down the street from us.
ann was *really* comfortable here to first night ... or not.
2 commentaires:
the sausage photo...mmm..not so much.. it is deadline here at REalD
and i'm real tired..but excited and
amused by all the adventures.. ahh..living vicariously through people SO FULFILLING. We're all getting ready for DiscoBloodbath
tomorrow night. Tres Chic? Yes?
umm..NO... fun tho!!
We miss you!
Soyez sûrs, amusez-vous et continuez à manger la salade comme un porc à l'engrais!!!
Stop whining and enjoy Berlin. It's a great city with really cool culture. Yes, it's different than Paris, but since when did you two become bourgeois Parisian high-art snobs? And your comparison of Berlin with Detroit? Berlin is like Detroit with actual people on the streets. Make sure you check out the electronic music despite your personal preference against it; It's some of the best in the world.
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